

So, we're in Siem Reap in Cambodia now after surviving the  28 hour journey from Koh Tao!

Here are some pics from the islands we were on:

The lounge/bar at our bungalow on Koh Phangan.


The view from our balcony.

Sunset on Koh Phagnan.

Eating fish heads.

Tropical islands!

With friends on the beach at night. Full moon!

More sunsets. This time on Koh Tao.

Going snorkeling.

Me being bad at snorkeling.
All-in-all the islands were amazing. I think I could have stayed on Koh Phangnan for the rest of my time here, but so far Siem Reap has been amazing, too, and tomorrow it's off in a tuktuk to see Angkor Wat!

Miss you!


Koh Phangan

So, we made it to Koh Phangan, an island in the southwest of Thailand. It's gorgeous. We're staying in a bungalow on the top of a hill with a view of the Gulf of Thailand. I'll post pictures when I can find a computer that will let me upload them!



Hey! We made it. Here's proof!