On Monday I woke up to discover that Seoul had been buried in several inches of snow while I was sleeping. It didn't seem like much to me, so I headed to work. It was unusually quiet when I got there, only one of my coworkers was there and the Korean Teachers were answering phones like crazy. When no one had really shown up by the time we were supposed to have our staff meeting, Devon and I decided to ask what was up. SNOW DAY!! Thank you South Korea for not owning snow plows!
On my way home I took some pictures:
Here is a picture of the same tree at the end of my driveway buried in about 6 more inches of snow than last time.

Now of course we have to make up for the snow day by working next Saturday, which is really unfortunate but I guess maybe it was worth it for the extended holiday.
what would an umbrella do for snow? function as a hat?