Here are pictures.
Day One: Osaka

I wish we had stayed at the neon-Christmas Love Motel.

Or in the rainbow awning Love Motel.

Or eaten ramen at the Dragon ramen store.

Or sampled the plastic crab.

But instead we walked. In the sun, which was a big improvement over perpetualraintownkorea. Things in Japan are brightly colored.

Vending Machine Town! What convenience.

I liked this giraffe.

After wandering around neontown for a while, we headed to Osaka Castle to experience the culture and such.
It had a moat!


I really wanted to wear a real kimono, but tragically, this is the closest I got.

The water that makes you all zen healed. Or gives you parasites depending on your luck.

Shinto gates abounded!

Josh is only maybe as intimidating as this samurai.

I think these tablets and papers were for making wishes.

Some more culture.

Then it was back to neontown to try to find some dinner.

and admire the lights.

After like way too much deliberation we settled on okonomiyaki for dinz. It was a pancake with seafood and green onions covered in a barbequeish sauce and sprinkled with dried fish flakes. It wasn't nearly as bad as that description makes it sound.

Lanterns by the river!!!

And our very lovely, clean and not as expensive as everyone makes Japan sound hostel room.

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