We brought enough stuff to stay for a month it would seem:

The ferry ride there was a bit chilly...

Once there, the people from the pension we were staying at came to pick us up in their vans. It was quite the cozy ride.

This is about half of the group enjoying day one in front of our tent community.

Jason (the host of the party) in charge of the grill.

Part of the crowd around the fire on night one.


More campfire.

The next day we had lovely weather so we spent the day lounging on the beach (don't worry mom, I wore sunscreen....but I got burnt anyway).

I clearly don't belong on beaches.

More beach chilling.

The tide was out, so a few of us walked the maybe half mile out to the sea. It was sandy and not muddy at least, though.

Then we climbed the mountain up to sea this abandoned Korean War bunker and I pretended to do something adventurous. This photo isn't particularly convincing...

The view from up the mountain was lovely.

The view from our tents was lovely as well actually.

That night our fire burned the craziest colors. It was really cool but slightly disconcerting.

I almost stepped on this beautiful moth in front of our pension. It was like the size of my fist.

Proof that I had a tent--and I even assembled it myself. And slept without a nightlight!

Here is the tent community being disassembled. Note that almost everyone has the same $20 Tesco tent that would have been miserable had there actually been inclement weather. There were actually quite a few us who camped...I think maybe 3 or 4 other tents had already been taken down by the time I remembered to take this photograph.

This dog was so cute!

The sign for our beach.

I look so happy to be out in nature.

There was the craziest fog on the day we were leaving...I couldn't really capture in on film but this gives you at least a bit of an idea.

Heidi and I posing with a statue of a fisherman...which is apparently what Koreans do when they go to Deokjeokdo. Oops.

Chilling outside the convenience store while waiting on the ferry home.

The ferry home. :(

Goodbye Deokjeokdo!!

The pretty colors in the fire were caused by the high levels of chemicals on the paint from that drift wood we got. the smell was not as pleasant, btw. ;D