We had two days off for Buddha's Birthday so KK and I rolled to Samcheok.
B-day party preparations at the local temple.

Lonely Planet informed us that we should go see this. So we did.

We pretended that the weather was pleasanter than it was.

Slightly more realistic.

Our beautiful love motel.

omg slumber party!!!!!!!

Day two. Haeshindang Penis park. It was windy.


The whole park is dedicated to this girl who died a virgin.

Trying to get seaweed on a rock (like this lady) when a wave came and swept her away.

The seaweed of someone who didn't die.

After her death, the fishing got bad until someone peed into the sea and realized that she was just angry to have died a virgin. So they started throwing phallus carvings into the water and the fishing got good again. Now there is a whole park full of penis statues etc.

After the penis park, we went to see Hwanseongul Cave. The hike up to the cave was lovely. Here is an old fashioned mill. It was really cool.

And the weather was lovely.

You weren't allowed to take pictures inside the cave. But we sneaked this one on the Bridge to Hell. The whole cave was huge and took us maybe an hour and a half to walk through. I was kind of freaked out the whole time but it was still fun. No bats were spotted.

Here we are outside the cave.

After the cave we ate at this outdoor restaurant that served mountain food. I don't really know how I feel about mountain food after the experience.

The whole area was bat-themed.

That night we went to the local hot springs spa thing. It wasn't nearly as nice as the one next to my apartment.

Then back in the love motel for some more slumber party fun.

All-in-all a nice getaway from Seoul and an interesting experience.
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